Question: Episode 244: Building Workplace Culture For Remote Employees

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it has been a challenge for employers in various industries to support remote employees, stay connected to and engaged with employees, adapt communication strategies to reach a dispersed workforce, and many other factors that come from the unprecedented disruption of a global health crisis. As HR leaders, we’re working to support our workforce, our company leaders, and each other – all while working without a playbook. 

Today, we’re talking to Mark Sawyier, the CEO and Co-Founder of Bonfyre, a workplace culture platform. Mark and the Bonfyre team are focused on helping employees form strong relationships at work and helping employers maintain and build their culture. 

Episode 244: Building Workplace Culture For Remote Employees with Mark Sawyier (@BonfyreApp)

Trust is earned and it is especially hard to earn online, and at the same time, employers are facing the challenge of remote and virtual work. Staying connected and focused on business is critical. Having a culture that encourages conversations, outreach, and strategies to help connect employees, but also to connect not only on a business level but on a personal level too. Having a cohesive team is essential right now and Bonfyre provides an easy-to-use technology focused on connections, relationships, communication, and culture. With everyone’s world being in flux, Bonfyre offers an easier way to build relationships and connections with employees regardless of when and where they work. Foundationally, these connections are key to reducing stress as well as driving productivity, culture, and performance...

Source: Workology