Question: Top Tips on Virtual Interviewing: Preparing for the New Norm

Without beating about the hypothetical bush, the future of the labor market in the UK is looking rather bleak.

Reports suggest that we are on course for the worst recession in more than 300 years. The Institute for Policy Research meanwhile has warned that more than one million young people could be unemployed by 2021.

While those searching for work are going to be facing stiffer competition, there is an additional challenge — the virtual interview process.

Admittedly, online interviews have been a part of many companies’ processes for years, but since the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown was implemented, it has become a staple.

Furthermore, the virtual interview looks as if it’s here to stay thanks to the fact it allows employers to interview a plethora of candidates in a short space of time, at little expense to the business. Additionally, unsuitable applicants can simply be sifted out prior to their and the employer’s time being wasted at a face-to-face interview.

Now we understand why companies will be keen to maintain the idea of a virtual alternative, let’s take at how you, the jobseeker, can make sure you utterly boss your opportunity.

A new reality

The first thing to be aware of is the fact that an online interview is actually different — disregarding the obvious. If you treat like a standard face-to-face interview, failing to adjust yourself, chances are you’ll face a particularly rude awakening.

Professional interview coach Sarah Johnston told the BBC: “Interviewing online and interviewing in person are two completely different experiences. Job seekers share that it can be challenging to connect with the interviewer online because there is often less small talk and its harder to pick up on non-verbal cues.

Know where you’re going

Have you ever sat down the night before a face-to-face interview and planned out how you’re going to get there, checking Google Maps, parking, and the entrance to the building?

Your online interview should be no different — well, maybe a little. Discover how to use the platform it’s going to occur on. The recruiter should instruct you in advance of where the interview will take place, whether it’s Zoom, Skype, Teams, or another alternative.

Conduct a trial run before the big day with a friend or family member and ensure you know what’s what.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

It might seem like somewhat of a cliché, but a lack of preparation is only going to result in one thing — disaster. Just because the interviewer isn’t in the room with you doesn’t mean that you can just sit and read off a script the entire time.

Research the company beforehand, know the details of the job you’re applying for, and most importantly, know what you’re going to say when they ask you questions!

Check both your camera and microphone work. The last thing you want to do is start flustering because things aren’t working...