Question: When is Hiring Temporary Employees Beneficial?

Dear HR,

My company is undergoing a change in the training process for new and onboarding employees while there are 3 major projects taking place at once. Do you think hiring temporary workers right now will be beneficial or just a waste of time/money?

-Mr. Permanent

Dear Mr. Permanent,

Thank you for your question. In 2018, 51% of employers had the plan to hire temporary workers whereas 44% were looking for more full-time employees. Here is when hiring temporary employees is actually beneficial to your company, essentially saving you time and money.

1) When you have extra projects

Even for one-time projects, you still might need the extra help because your staff may not be able to balance their everyday workload with the project ongoing. But that’s not the only thing they can help you with! You can hire them to produce informational leadership courses for the year or even a mobile developer to generate a new mobile course.

2) When you need to work with consultants

This is where you need to consider hiring temporary workers that are also experts in their fields and can help you create and organize more specialized training and development for your permanent employees.

3) When you’re outsourcing help

If your company is going through a change, whether that’s new learning technology or a new training tactic, you might want to consider getting help in overseeing your team.