Question: How is Automation Contributing to HR Becoming the New Face of Transformation?

Dear HR,

How is automation contributing to HR becoming the new face of transformation?
-Mr. Transformation

Dear Mr. Transformation,

Thank you for the question. The shift to remote work has been developing for a while now; however, the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant factor that suddenly accelerated the process of digital transformation and globalized remote work everywhere. The change to remote working was immensely rapid, but it aided the workplace in advancing towards a more adjustable and distributed state. To administer these modifications triumphantly, HR must jointly adjust as well. This is to optimize the talent pool and make sure their workers have everything they need to effectively and efficiently work remotely. As a result, companies must have an unparalleled understanding of workers, their capabilities, and conditions.

Approximately 18% of HR superiors feel like they strongly converted from concentrating on HR processes to being profoundly employee-centered. More than 8 in 10 believed this change would occur within 10 years. Luckily, with advanced technology in the present day, companies are able to maneuver the unknown and advance their manpower. Some tools, such as automation, mobile, and cloud, can expeditiously simplify business functions, and assist HR and people teams in evolving into more versatile, adjustable, and promptly well-coordinated.

Read more about it here: Automation Helping HR Become The New Face Of Change