Question: What are 3 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Counteroffer?

Dear HR.

I’ve recently been applying to new jobs, and I finally received an offer from one of them after an interview. However, I am having trouble deciding if I want to take on the new job or the counteroffer at my current employer. What do you think I should do to help myself make a confident decision?
-Mr. New Job

Dear Mr. New Job,

Thank you for your question. 90% of the time, the unfortunate outcome of those who accept counteroffers either leave or are dismissed. This is most likely due to the fact that when people accept a counteroffer, the problems that initially made them look for a new job are usually unsettled. Even if the counteroffer included a promotion and increase in pay, the person may be searching for another job once the excitement wears off. Here are 3 questions you can ask yourself:

1) Are you after the money, or something more?

If you want to leave your current job just because you weren’t being paid enough, then accepting a counteroffer that compensates for the amount you were looking for is a perfect decision. However, if money isn’t the primary reason behind your job search, which rarely ever is for anyone, then you’ll be doing yourself a disservice by accepting the counteroffer as the feeling of dissatisfaction is most likely going to return.

2) Will your role change?

Sometimes one’s boss giving a counteroffer is a way for them to express their openness to having a conversation about one’s position at the company. If this is the case for your boss, then it’s highly recommended to engage in that conversation with them. Your boss may not have known how unsatisfied and dispirited you were at work. If you feel the counteroffer was produced upon the genuine desire to keep you as a valued employee of the company and it addresses your career and/or pay worries, then taking it wouldn’t be such a bad choice.

3) Is it worth the risk?

In the scenario that you’ve accepted your new job and declined the counteroffer, your old employer may realize how irreplaceable you are after searching for your successor. This may convince them to offer another counteroffer, and if they do, this is an amazing opportunity to come up with a special deal for yourself. Of course, there’s a risk in coming back to the company after accepting an offer, but so does taking on a new job. Go with your intuition after examining every perspective and taking into consideration of all possible outcomes because only you have the right answer!